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Kerri Sherk • November 18, 2020

The Fitness FIrm: Guide to return to Work Safety Plan and Policies for Employees and Patrons

 July 20, 2020

The Fitness Firm is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all employees and patrons. As stage 3 is now confirmed to begin, we are getting prepared to tentatively open on Saturday July 25, 2020. The mandatory mask by-law that was enacted by the Region of Halton may not be the only reason we were moved to stage 3 but certainly assisted in the provincial governments decision.  

When re-opening, our business must consider the levels of protection we can offer. As well as the succeeding 19 points that pertain to our business.  

1) Levels of protection:

a) The highest level of protection is controlling the number of people within the facility. Stage 3 has a limit of 50 people for indoor gatherings to maintain physical distancing.

b) Physical/ social distancing – maintain a distance of 6 ft (2m) between people outside of your household or social circle.    

c) Physical means and frequent handwashing: The Fitness Firm has invested in the following area

Plexi-glass barrier at the front desk 
Created taped areas for recommended safe distancing at front desk and in studio 
Purchased a hydrostatic machine for cleaning all surfaces
Implemented cleaning protocols by all trainers and MSR’s 
Investment of PPE ie. masks, gloves, gowns (RMT) 
Soap and disinfectant available throughout the club
The following attachment is the official framework for opening the province in stage 3.

2) Mandatory Mask By-Law and Access:

On July 16, 2020, The City of Burlington enacted By-Law 62-2020 requiring the use of face masks or face coverings with some exceptions in all indoor spaces which becomes enforceable July 20, 2020. Companies that have indoor physical activity are allowed to use their discretion when it comes to this by-law and so The Fitness Firm has derived its own policy to include the wearing of masks while at the club which is further discussed in section 4. Because of this policy, we feel it will be acceptable to return to a 24/7 access at The Fitness Firm. Historically, we rarely see more than 30 people within the club at one time. If everyone works together by wearing masks and being respectful of peoples’ space and handwashing, we feel the 24/7 access can be successful. We will continue to have a staff member from 8 am – 6:30 pm. Attention: we will be keeping doors locked for the first week of re-opening to ensure COVID – 19 waivers are signed. See point 19 for more on waivers. 

3) Employees:  

All employees have been updated regularly throughout our slow return to work. 

RMT – Our Registered Massage Therapist in accordance with his college has been in a mask, shield and gown since our clinic opened in June to prevent the transmission of COVID 19.   
Personal Trainers – our personal trainers that have done minimal hours thus far have been wearing shields at all times on the floor to prevent the transmission of COVID 19. In accordance with the new By-Law, moving forward all trainers will be in a mask.  
MSR’s All employees have been and continue to be updated via email from management regularly with regard to policies and procedures throughout this period. Management is also in daily contact with most employees employed here at The Fitness Firm. To the best of our knowledge, our current practices are up to date with the Ministry of Health, The City of Burlington and the Halton Region. All employees disinfect and self screen upon arrival to The Fitness Firm and records are kept in back room. Employees that experience symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc. will not come into work.  

4) PPE:

To prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, to protect the health and well-being of Burlington residents the City of Burlington, on July 20, 2020, enacted By-Law 62-2020 requiring the use of face masks or face coverings, with some exceptions, in all indoor public spaces.  

All MSR’s / employees / trainers will be in a mask.  

Matt Banks, RMT treats all clients in a gown, mask and face shield.

Indoor Mandatory Mask By- Law: The current pandemic situation presents us unprecedented challenges that invite us to weigh the risk vs. benefit of wearing a mask while exercising. This policy will be in effect until the regional medical officer of health deems it safe to be removed. There is minimal research done in this area, and so, there are risks no matter what direction we take. Companies that have indoor physical activity are allowed to use their discretion when it comes to this by-law and so The Fitness Firm has derived its own policy to include that masks be worn while at the club, unless an underlying medical condition prevents you from wearing one. There is some research with exercise and masks, but these studies are using an exercise/ training mask. Some studies include the use of 2 masks. And so, while most articles that we have reviewed have stated that it is generally considered safe to exercise with a mask on, there will always be risk. The following articles are info regarding this area.  

Exercise is key in staying healthy overall, will boost your immune system and is a key player in good mental health. A large percentage of our membership is of mature age and we feel that to keep everyone safe, this would be the best choice. Looking at the articles and through conversation, we feel that one can reap all these benefits at the cost of wearing a mask during workouts while following the guidelines below. Despite there being very few cases in Halton and Burlington, this virus does not have a vaccine and is still considered a risk. Safety is always our first priority.  

Guidelines when wearing a mask while at the club: 

We ask you to consistently be mindful throughout your workout.  
Wearing a mask may require vigorous workouts to now become more moderate in nature. Wearing a mask doesn’t mean you can’t take a breather. Clients are encouraged to slow their workout rate to allow for proper breathing.  
Please refer to the rate of perceived exertion.  

Clients are encouraged to lift their mask and take ten breaths (away from others and surfaces) without the mask every 10 minutes.

We would suggest a removal of your mask at any sign of dizziness or lightheadedness.
This policy may disappoint some, however, it is important to keep in mind:

1. Wearing masks protects others. People wearing masks protect you. The type of mask you choose determines how well you are protected. Heavier cloth masks are more protective but more difficult to breathe in, thinner masks are easier to breathe however small particles can still get out and through. Also make sure your mask fits you well. The larger it is, the more gaps there are, the more likely small particles will come in.  

More on purchasing masks:

2. Masks will not be required perpetually, in other words, this requirement is not forever.   

3. In stage 3, a lot more businesses / people return to work. This means more of our Burlington residents travel out of town (Toronto/Niagara/ GTA) and return back to Burlington. Our goal is to open and stay open. We do not want to be the location of the instigation of a COVID case and so we feel these protocols are the safest and most sustainable solution for our members, staff and our business.

Amendments: The mandatory mask rule will be amended to those who have cardiovascular or respiratory conditions, such as asthma, COPD, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis or pulmonary fibrosis at their request. The severity of the condition will dictate whether or not it’s appropriate or not to exercise with a face mask on. We suggest you practice at home before trying it at the club. It may even be a good idea to speak to your doctor first, especially if you haven’t exercised in a long time.   

5) Screening:

Only RMT clients will be screened before their treatment.  

As a result, we ask that you act responsibly when attending the club.  
  • Wear a mask 
  • Maintain social / physical distance from other members
  • Wash or disinfect your hands upon entry and exit to the club.
  • DO NOT COME if you have a fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose.

6) Disinfectants:

The Fitness Firm uses a disinfectant called Sure 5 RTU D COVID Killer which as stated is verified effective against COVID 19.   

Previously, The Fitness Firm had 3 disinfecting stations in the main gym, one in the studio and one upstairs in the free weight.  

Upon re-opening, The Fitness Firm has increased disinfecting stations for convenience disinfecting to:

  • 4 in main gym 
  • 2 upstairs
  • 1 in studio
Patrons are expected to wipe down all equipment surfaces before and after use with paper towel. Paper towel can be used more than once if you like.  

The club has 3 hand sanitizer dispensers within the club. Refills for the dispensers are on order. 

7) Cardio machines: 

We will remove one treadmill to allow for more space between machines. We will encourage a system of using every other machine simultaneously as well as encourage a time of 30 mins for the cardio portion of your workout. Please wipe down the machine thoroughly before and after use. Because it is more challenging to do so, you may choose to do the cardio potion of your workout at home or outside on temperate days. Please refer back to the rate of perceived exertion while doing cardio. 

8) Equipment:

Please wipe down your machine before and after use.  

The Fitness Firm no longer supplies mats for use. You are required to bring your own mat for the club as well as for classes / yoga if you would like to do floor exercises.  

With respect to class equipment – I likely remove yoga equipment from the studio as blocks, straps and blankets are challenging to clean/ disinfect. You will be asked to bring your own blocks, straps, blankets for yoga.   

Fitness classes – All hard surface equipment will remain and will be disinfected by you after classes.

9) Social Aspect:

The social aspect of our facility has been one of our greatest strengths in our business. While we encourage community, it is strongly suggested that equipment no longer be shared or used simultaneously. You are encouraged to do 2-3 sets, clean your machine and move on to the next machine. Unfortunately, congregating in groups is discouraged unless the 6 ft social distance can prevail.  

10) Washrooms:

At this stage, toilets are open for use. Showers are closed. We are encouraging, especially this time of year, to come as prepared as possible to workout upon arrival without changing. If changing is necessary, lockers are available to be used but must be wiped down before and after use.  

11) Group Fitness:

Group Fitness will not be offered until August. Group fitness classes will no longer be offered in the same fashion previous to the pandemic. The studio now holds a maximum of 8 participants which have been set up in quadrants on the studio floor that are 2 metres square. Unfortunately, our previous business model no longer supports this new system and so we must adapt. All previous group fitness participants will be required to purchase a class pass of 10 classes for $40 to attend classes/ $139 for non-members. These class passes will have an expiry date of 6 months from purchase.  

Participants can call the club at 9056379220 or email to get a spot, we are currently working on getting group fitness class sign ups via the website. Patrons who pay their regular membership are welcome to join the class on zoom at no extra charge. See virtual classes below to learn more about how to do that. 

12) Personal belongings:

If you carry in personal belongings such as water bottles, sweaters, shoes etc., and they are left at the club, we will hold them for one week and then they will be discarded. Please bring in with you as little as possible and take your belongings with you when you leave.  

13) Smoothies/ A+ Smoodees:

Our homemade smoothies are no longer available at The Fitness Firm. We are looking at offering A+ Smoodees beginning August. More to come on this.  

14) Drinking Fountain:

Is off limits until further notice.  

15) Garbage/ recycle:

All remain in the same places only most of them will be recycle bins. We will be going through a lot of paper and it would be wasteful to see all of it go to garbage as we have done for too long already. Please notice where you are throwing your garbage / recycling bins will be labelled.  

15) Membership / other service dues:

All membership prices will remain the same upon re-opening. We will be debiting your accounts / credit cards on August 1st unless we hear from you otherwise.  

Personal training fees remain the same.

Massage therapy fees remain the same but will be increased November 1st. Perhaps consider getting in over the next months before rates increase.  

Nutrition Consulting fees remain the same.  

16) Virtual class and PT options:  

We are working on getting weekday 9 am and 5:30 pm classes available on zoom so one can enjoy the class from the comfort of their home. You will need the zoom app on your smart phone, laptop or macbook or ipad.  

Details on how to get on zoom classes are here:

Personal Trainers are also available to perform online zoom personal training sessions. Email us here for more information. 

17) Website:

Our website is still active however it has not been updated in some time. We are currently working on a new website to come November.  

19) Waiver and FOB:

In order for us to know that you comply with these guidelines, we require your authorization via a new waiver that all members need to sign upon returning to The Fitness Firm. Fobs will not work until the waiver has been signed. In the next day or two, you will receive an email with a link to your member portal to sign the waiver.  

Finally, thank you for your patience for us to re-open safely and confidently. Keep in mind that this is a working document and more may be added or changed Kindly, please continue to be patient with us as we open our business in an unprecedented time. If you have any questions, please email us here.
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Are you struggling to stay consistent with your fitness and nutritional goals? Being consistent is crucial to making long term lifestyle changes, but it is one of the biggest challenges we all face. Here are 5 strategies to help you find consistency: 1. BE REALISTIC Change takes time . There is no fast way to make lifestyle changes, so it’s imperative to make goals that make sense for you. The more attainable and realistic the goal, the more likely the goal can be accomplished. When goals and milestones are accomplished, it gives you a sense of reward and enhances your self-efficacy (i.e., the belief that you can accomplish your goals). On the other hand, if the goal we have set in place for ourselves is too difficult, it may lead to demotivation and lower self-esteem. If you want sustainable and lasting results, being realistic is the first step. 2. HAVE CLEAR GOALS Not having clear goals is like driving to a new destination without a map. Goals are important in leading us in the right direction. Goals provide you with the motivation to push yourself to work towards chane. Implementing S.M.A.R.T goals is a good place to start. S - Specific M - Measurable A - Attainable R - Relevant T - Time-Bound When setting goals, make sure to include both short term and long term goals . Short term goals help with commitment and determination by allowing you to celebrate small wins more frequently that contribute to the bigger goal in place. Long term goals give you something to focus on and strive for in the bigger picture and help focus on where you want to be in relation to where you are now. For example, you decide that you want to “Lose 5 lbs in 6 weeks.” This goal is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. However, this creates the need to make smaller goals to help you get there. Just doing what you are now, unchanged, will likely not get you to your goal. For instance, you might state that you will “Lose 5lb in 6 weeks” by incorporating 1-2 servings of vegetables into every meal, by limiting take-out meals to once per week, exercising for 45 minutes 3 times per week, and going for a 30-minute walk with your dog every day. If you achieve these smaller rules/goals, you’ll be well on your way to reaching the big one. 3. CREATE A ROUTINE AND HAVE A PLAN Fail to plan and plan to fail! Having a game plan for the week ahead will help adhere to your goals, as there is less opportunity for impulsive behaviours. This may mean planning out your workouts for the week, meal prepping, and making a grocery list of healthy and balanced foods. In regards to exercise, scheduling in your workouts, and knowing what you're doing when and where, will take the stress off not knowing what to do and "winging" a sub-par workout. In turn, you will be more likely to follow through until your goal is reached. Building on these habits will make it easier to stay consistent with your goals. Stay organized! In addition, it is always a good idea to have a plan ready in case you fall into relapse. The biggest fallback for people creating healthy habits is that once you miss a workout, you eat dessert when you know you shouldn’t have, or if life just gets in the way… You say “oh well” and keep venturing down the wrong path rather than steering yourself back onto the right one. Having a plan in place in case this happens is crucial for helping with motivation post-relapse. 4. ENJOY WHAT YOU'RE DOING It is much easier to be consistent with exercise and nutrition when you enjoy what you're doing and eating. Exercise will be less of an obligation and you will be more excited to get moving. If you’re feeling stuck doing something you don't enjoy, try something new! Whether it be a new exercise class (HIIT, Spin, Yoga, Pilates etc.), getting outside, or joining a club/team. Bottom line is, you cannot be consistent if you dislike what you're doing. In regards to nutrition, implementing foods you don't enjoy will be doing yourself a disservice. Incorporating a variety of foods and flavours you love that also align with your goals is important in having a healthy attitude about food and staying consistent with your nutritional habits. 5. TRACK YOUR PROGRESS Seeing progress in yourself fuels motivation . There are several ways to track your progress: Monitor body measurements How your clothes fit Scale weight or body fat % Lifting heavier weight or doing more reps Check blood pressure Progress pictures How fast you catch your breath after you lose it Activities of daily living get easier to complete Energy levels improve Sleep gets better Tracking progress is essential to staying consistent. People get addicted to seeing results, which creates more and more motivation. When results aren’t achieved, it creates a sense of self-doubt, which reduces motivation because why would you continue if you aren’t getting any better? Even though you definitely should continue because exercise has so many benefits for you beyond the physical changes (bone, heart, emotional, cognitive health, etc.), it is still encouraging to see results and know you’re doing well. Need help with staying consistent? We have a team of friendly and well-educated personal trainers and health practitioners here at The Firm. Our mission is to educate and motivate you into living your healthiest and happiest life - even if it is just to get you started on your fitness journey. We are here to help you.
By Kerri Sherk September 15, 2021
Dear valued members, The COVID-19 situation is continuing to develop in light of the Delta-variant. As such, the Government of Ontario has implemented COVID Vaccination Passports , which will affect the usage of facilities used for sports and fitness activities and personal training, including gyms. The Government of Ontario's website news release states that "Requiring proof of vaccination in these settings reduces risk and is an important step to encourage every last eligible Ontarian to get their shot, which is critical to protecting the province’s hospital capacity, while also supporting businesses with the tools they need to keep customers safe, stay open and minimize disruptions." We are striving to protect our members and our staff in these uncertain times, which means that starting on September 22nd, 2021, be prepared to show proof of full vaccination to be able to enter the gym. Starting at 12:01 am on the 22nd, those individuals who have not provided proof of vaccination will not be given access. Given the controversial nature of this mandate to some people, we want to remind everyone that this mandate is the same as the mask mandate - it was created by the government . Our staff, management included, can't and won't make exceptions to this policy, and we ask that members show the same patience, kindness, and respect that we have received thus far. In order to prevent a bottleneck on September 22, we will be allowing members to bring in their vaccination records during desk hours starting on Monday, September 13th. We will be requiring members to provide us with a photocopy or electronic copy of their vaccination receipts, which we will keep on file. When dropping the proof of full vaccination off at the front desk, we will also be taking your profile picture for our system. Non-Vaccinated Members If you are unable to show proof of full vaccination (2 doses + 14 days) by September 22, 2021, your fob will be rendered inactive. For those that have short-term memberships with an expiration date, your membership will expire. If required, we will give members a maximum of one-month extension on their expiration date if you need extra time to get fully vaccinated. For those that have a perpetual membership , you have the option to hold your membership at $5/month until you're able to provide full proof of vaccination. * Please email us if you require these accommodations with your request because these will not be done automatically. For members with a medical exemption to the vaccine mandate, we will require a copy of a written exemption letter from a Medical Doctor stating that you are exempt from receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. We do not allow religious exemptions; letters from spiritual healers, chiropractors, nutritionists/dietitians; or self-claiming exemptions, etc. Reminders Let's keep the Aldershot community safe by following COVID-19 Protocols when not at home. Wear a mask when indoors in public Don't leave the house if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms Social distance when possible Sanitize your hands consistently, with soap and warm water Get vaccinated as soon as you can! When at The Fitness Firm... Keep your mask on at all times when on the main floor (yes, even when staff aren't here!) Maintain distance when possible Put all your equipment, weights, and plates back on the racks when you are finished with them Sanitize everything you touch after you use it Under no circumstances are you allowed to let individuals/friends into the facility who do not have a gym membership In the event of any falsified documents being discovered, the individual falsifying documents will be banned from The Fitness Firm until the COVID-19 pandemic is declared over (or longer). This is a criminal act under the Government of Canada's Criminal Code . Thank you Please note that these policies from the government are constantly evolving. This is all the information we have available currently, and these may change between now and the 22nd. Fitness is an essential component of peoples' lives, and it's moments like these where our purpose and values regarding the health of our members and staff matter a lot to our community and the individuals we serve. Thank you for your patience and respect for our decisions as we navigate this new government-required policy. Best, Fitness Firm Staff
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